Papers published within the ELICISR project
Peer-reviewed journals:
S. Ilić, A. Jevtić, S. Stanković, G. Ristić, Floating-gate MOS transistor with dynamic biasing as a radiation sensor, Sensors, 20 (11), 3329, 2020 (Impact factor: IF= 3.031); (OPEN ACCESS)
Goran S. Ristic, Marko S. Andjelković, Russell Duane, Alberto J. Palma, Aleksandar B. Jakšić, Radiation and Spontaneous Annealing of Radiation-sensitive Field-effect Transistors with Gate Oxide Thicknesses of 400 and 1000 nm, Sensors and Materials, 33 (6), 2109–2116, 2021 (IF = 0.759); (OPEN ACCESS)
Goran S. Ristic, Stefan D. Ilic, Russell Duane, Marko S. Andjelkovic, Alberto J. Palma, Antonio M. Lallena, Milos D. Krstic, Srboljub J. Stankovic, Aleksandar B. Jaksic, Radiation sensitive MOSFETs irradiated with various positive gate biases, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 14 (1), 353-357, 2021 (IF = 1.770); (OPEN ACCESS)
Stefan D. Ilić, Marko S. Andjelković, Russell Duane, Alberto J. Palma, Milija Sarajlić, Srboljub Stanković, Goran S. Ristić, Recharging process of commercial floating-gate MOS transistor in dosimetry application, Microelectronics Reliability, 126, 114322, 2021 (IF = 1.589); (OPEN ACCESS)
Goran S. Ristic, Stefan D. Ilic, Marko S. Andjelkovic, Russell Duane, Alberto J. Palma, Antonio M. Lalena, Milos D. Krstic, Aleksandar B. Jaksic, Sensitivity and fading of irradiated RADFETs with different gate voltages, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1029, 166473, 2022 (IF = 1.455); (OPEN ACCESS)
Marko Andjelkovic, Aleksandar Simevski, Junchao Chen, Oliver Schrape, Zoran Stamenkovic, Miloš Krstic, Stefan Ilić, Goran Ristić, Aleksandar Jaksic, Nikola Vasovic, Russell Duane, Alberto J. Palma, Antonio M. Lallena, Miguel A. Carvajal Rodríguez, A Design Concept for Radiation Hardened RADFET Readout System for Space Applications, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 104486, 2022 (IF = 1.525); (OPEN ACCESS)
Goran S. Ristić, Stefan D. Ilić, Sandra Veljković, Aleksandar S. Jevtić, Strahinja Dimitrijević, Alberto J. Palma, Srboljub Stanković, Marko S. Andjelković, Commercial P-Channel Power VDMOSFET as X-ray Dosimeter, Electronics, 11(6), 918, 2022 (IF = 2.397) ; (OPEN ACCESS)
Goran S. Ristić, Marko S. Andjelković, Russell Duane, Aleksandar B. Jakšić, Fading of pMOS dosimeters over a long period of time, Micro Nano Lett., 1–4, 2022 (IF = 1.102); (OPEN ACCESS)
S. Veljkovic, N. Mitrovic, V. Davidovic, S. Golubovic, S. Djoric-Veljkovic, A. Paskaleva, D. Spassov, S. Stankovic, M. Andjelkovic, Z. Prijic, I. Manic, A. Prijic, G. Ristic, D. Dankovic, Response of Commercial p-Channel Power VDMOS Transistors to Irradiation and Bias Temperature Stress, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2022 (IF = 1.333); (OPEN ACCESS)
Marko Andjelkovic, Milos Marjanovic, Junchao Chen, Stefan Ilic, Goran Ristic, Milos Krstic, PS-BBICS: Pulse stretching bulk built-in current sensor for on-chip measurement of single event transients, Microelectronics Reliability, 114726, 2022 (IF = 1.418); (OPEN ACCESS)
Marko Andjelkovic, Milos Marjanovic, Bojan Drasko, Cristiano Calligaro, Oliver Schrape, Umberto Gatti, Felipe A. Kuentzer, Stefan Ilic, Goran Ristic, Milos Krstic, Analysis of Single Event Transient Effects in Standard Delay Cells Based on Decoupling Capacitors, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 31 (18), 2240007, 2022 (IF = 1.333); (OPEN ACCESS)
A. Pousibet-Garrido, P. Escobedo, D. Guirado, G.S. Ristic, A.J. Palma, M.A. Carvajal, Batteryless NFC dosimeter tag for ionizing radiation based on commercial MOSFET, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 354, 114295, 2023 (IF = 4.291); (OPEN ACCESS)
Peer-reviewed international conferences:
- Marko Andjelkovic, Aleksandar Simevski, Junchao Chen, Oliver Schrape, Zoran Stamenkovic, Milos Krstic, Stefan Ilic, Luka Spahic, Laza Kostic, Goran Ristic, Aleksandar Jaksic, Alberto J. Palma, Antonio Lallena, Miguel Angel Carvaja, "Design of Radiation Hardened RADFET Readout System for Space Applications," 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Kranj, Slovenia, 2020, pp. 484-488;
Link Paper
- Isidoro Ruiz-García, Pablo Escobedo, Juan Román-Raya, Stefan Illić, Damian Guirado, Alberto José Palma, Miguel Ángel Carvajal, Temperature compensation in dose-rate measurements based on commercial photodiodes using a modified reader unit, 9th Int. Conf. Radiation in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2021), Herceg Novi, Montenegro, June 14-18, 2021, p. 164;
- L. Spahić, S. Ilić, M. Anđelković, A. J. Palma, and G. S. Ristić, Application of Transimpedance Amplifiers in PIN Photodiode Dosimetry, in Proc. 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis, Serbia, September 12-14, 2021, pp. 317-320
Link Paper
- S. D. Ilić, M. S. Andjelković, M. A. Carvajal, A. M. Lallena, M. Krstić, S. Stanković, G. S. Ristić, Power Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes as Current Mode γ-Radiation Detectors, in Proc. 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis, Serbia, September 12-14, 2021, pp. 337-340
Link Paper
- G. S. Ristić, A. S. Jevtić, S. D. Ilić, S. Dimitrijević, S. Veljković, A. J. Palma, S. Stanković, and M. S. Andjelković, Sensitivity of Unbiased Commercial P-channel Power VDMOSFETs to X-ray Radiation, in Proc. 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics, Nis, Serbia, September 12-14, 2021, pp. 341-344
Link Paper
Special session of ELICSIR project at RAD 2022 Conference (Spring Edition), Herceg Novi, Montenegro, June 13-17, 2022 (Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 11:00). Programme can be found here.
Russell Duane, Nikola Vasovic, Mary White, Alan Blake, Anne Marie McGarrigle, Srbolijub Stankovic, A Metal Oxide, Semiconductor ionizing radiation detector architecture with increased voltage sensitivity, p.109;
Stefan D. Ilic, Marko S. Andjelkovic, Miguel Ángel Carvajal, Russell Duane, Milija Sarajlic, Srboljub Stankovic, Goran S. Ristic, Stacked floating gate MOSFET as a passive dosimeter, p. 113;
Sandra Veljković, Stefan D. Ilić, Russell Duane, Marko S. Andjelković, Alberto J. Palma, Goran S. Ristić, Behaviour of pMOS dosimeters during and after X-rays, p.114;
Milos Marjanovic, Marko Andjelkovic, Milos Krstic, Goran Ristic, Simulation of single event transient effects in CMOS circuits using open access tools and device models, p.122;
Nikola Mitrović, Sandra Veljković, Vojkan Davidović, Snežana Đorić-Veljković, Snežana Golubović, Emilija Živanović, Zoran Prijić, Danijel Danković, Characterization of irradiated and NBT stressed p-channel power VDMOSFETs, p.124;
Isidoro Ruiz-García, Juan Román-Raya, Marko S. Andjelković, Damián Guirado, Alberto J. Palma, Miguel A. Carvajal, Compensation of the temperature effect of the dark current in photodiodes dosimeters, p.164;
Antonio Pousibet Garrido, Pablo Escobedo Araque, Damián Guirado LLorente, Alberto José Palma López, Miguel Ángel Carvajal Rodríguez, Battery-less NFC tag for radiation dose measurement with MOSFET dosimeters, p.179;
Stefan Ilić, Marko Andjelković, Miguel Carvajal, Milija Sarajlić, Srboljub Stanković, Dana Vasiljević-Radović, Goran Ristić, Direct Conversion Of Ionizing Radiation Into Electrical Energy Using PIN Diodes, 11th Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU11 Congress), Belgrade, Serbia, 28 August - 1 September, 2022, pp. 213-214
Marko Andjelkovic, Milos Marjanovic, Junchao Chen, Stefan Ilic, Goran Ristic, Milos Krstic, PS-BBICS: Pulse stretching bulk built-in current sensor for on-chip measurement of single event transients, 33rd European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF 2022), Berlin, Germany, September 26-29, 2022
Link Presentation
National conferences:
Aleksandar Jevtić, Stefan Ilić, Nikola Đikić, Goran Ristić, Fazna kontrola pomoću TRIAC-a, in Proc. IEEESTEC 12th Student projects conference, Niš, Serbia, November 28, 2019, pp. 243-246
Sandra Veljković, Nikola Mitrović, Snežana Đorić-Veljković, Vojkan Davidović, Snežana Golubović, Danijel Danković, Efekti zračenja i odžarivanja kod naponsko temperaturno naprezanih p-kanalnih VDMOS tranzistora snage, In Proc. IcETRAN 2021, Ethno village Stanišići, Republic of Srpska, September 8-10, 2021, pp. MO 1.1 -1-5
Stefan D. Ilic, Milija Sarajlic, Dana Vasiljevic-Radovic, Marko S. Andjelkovic, Alberto Palma, Russell Duane, Goran S. Ristic, "Electrically Programmable Analog Device As An Ultraviolet Light Sensor", In Proc. 9th IcETRAN Conference 2022. Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia, June 6-9, 2022, pp. 404-407
S. Veljković, N. Mitrović, S. Đorić-Veljković, V. Davidović, I. Manić, S. Golubović, A. Prijić, Z. Prijić, G. Ristić, D. Danković, "P-channel power VDMOSFETs under the influence of radiation and static/pulsed NBT stress", the Tenth Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application«, Belgrade, Serbia, September 26-27, 2022, p. 64